Downtown Pitch Book

Pompton Lakes is a well-positioned downtown in need of reinvestment. Topology showcased feasible development opportunities to achieve local aspirations.
Wanaque Avenue is a classic mainstreet nestled within New Jersey’s rustic Highlands Region that saw its heyday between the sixties and eighties. A Redevelopment Plan for the downtown was adopted years ago, but a challenging economic environment stymied new investment. The Borough’s Business Improvement District tapped Topology to develop a strategy, solve design challenges around difficult sites and attract new investment energy. Data suggested that new development was financially viable, but the Borough received little attention from regional developers. Topology tried a different approach: to align the public and private sectors, create a pitch book that property owners and brokers could use to attract investment in key downtown properties.
Insight: To get the results they want, Downtowns need to actively engage the private market rather than waiting for it to come to them.
Project Partners
Client Team:
John Soijian, Chairman, Pompton BID
Michael Fabrizio, Pompton BID Executive Director
Technical Team:
Urban Design, Common Ground Design
Project Benefits
Wanaque Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ
Project Plan
Pre-Development Strategy
“Redevelopment Ready” Pitch Book
Planner / Real Estate Strategist / Urban Design
Project Category
Strategic Plans