Extra Space Storage
Making space for an industrial tribute.
This project transformed 1.8 acres of contaminated land into an attractive and accessible gateway to the City with a historically referential design and improvements to the area’s transportation infrastructure. The Project includes the construction of a four-story self-storage facility comprising over 93,000 SF visible from the Outerbridge Crossing into Staten Island. Topology was instrumental in both site and building design to ensure its appeal, appropriateness, and sustainability.
93,000 square feet, 656-unit self-storage facility.
Project Partners
The Hampshire Companies – Developer
Maraziti Falcon – Redevelopment Counsel
MASER Consulting – Redevelopment Engineer
Public Benefits
Improved city gateway
New ratables
900 State Street, Perth Amboy, NJ
Redevelopment Agency Executive Director + Redevelopment Planners
$20 million
Project Category
Brownfield Redevelopment
Environmental Cleanup