South + Chestnut

Smart infill redevelopment within a tight footprint.

Located on two underdeveloped sites within the heart of downtown and a block from a commuter rail station, the Township of Cranford saw an opportunity to not only meet their affordable housing obligation but improve the area as a whole in terms of stormwater management, as flooding from the Rahway River has become more severe in recent years.

The Township used this redevelopment opportunity to increase stormwater retention at both sites to allow discharge to slowly re-enter the water table instead of pooling on one of the downtown’s main thoroughfares. Topology represented the Township with the designation, redevelopment planning, negotiation, and land use approval processes.


92 residential units

13 affordable housing units

8,000 SF of commercial space

1,500 SF pocket park

Project Partners

Township of Cranford
Iron Ore Properties, Developers
Blackbird, Project Architect

Public Benefits

  • Improved storm-water management

  • Improved public realms/open space

  • New public parking

  • Special needs housing


Cranford, NJ


Redevelopment Planner

Project Category

  • Affordable Housing

  • Redevelopment


Speedwell Avenue


Riverwalk Crossing