CCRC Renaissance Plan

Guiding the future of development in Trenton’s Capital District for years to come.

The Capital City Redevelopment Corporation (CCRC) was created by an act of the New Jersey State Legislature and charged with revitalizing the Capital District of Trenton, NJ for the benefit of all the citizens of the State. They are required to adopt a 20-year Capital City Renaissance Plan to guide the use of lands within the district in a manner which promotes the economic vitality of the district and enhances the quality of the public environment. With legislative amendments granting the CCRC the ability to act as a designated Redevelopment Agency within the Capital District, the Plan may also serve as a direct tool by which to enact projects of specific interest. All plans adopted by the City of Trenton, County of Mercer, the State Building Authority, or other governmental entities affecting the physical development with the District are required to be consistent with the provisions set forth within the Plan. 

Such an influential document required significant board, public, and stakeholder feedback, as well as the hard work of numerous organizations who have collaborated with the community over the past 20 years to study, understand, and plan for the future of the city. Furthermore, the Plan update was conducted in concert with revisions to the City’s Land Development Ordinance, to create as seamless a regulatory framework for property owners and developers as possible. We are confident that this document provides a viable road map to revitalizing the great and historic City of Trenton.  

Project Team

Capital City Redevelopment Corporation

City of Trenton

State of New Jersey 

Public Benefits 

  • New Urban Code to guide the form and design of in-fill development  

  • Proposals for improved circulation and transit connectivity  

  • Recommendations for new parks and green spaces  

  • Thoughtful recommendations for catalytic development


Trenton, NJ

Project Category

  • District Strategic Plan 

  • Public Engagement

  • Strategic Plans


The Edge

