Summit Parklet
While developing the Summit Master Plan Reexamination, a long-term strategy document, the City asked: what can we do to make the downtown a more engaging place in the next 30 days?
Topology led the business outreach, approval and funding process and design of the full season parklet in downtown Summit. With the support of the Administration, the Public Works Department constructed the City’s first public parklet the summer of 2016. The small public space that was placed in two parkings spaces on Springfield Avenue demonstrated the value of public space improvements that prioritize people-centric design in the downtown. The placemaking initiative that provided an additional spot to sit, have a coffee, read a book and hang out was a hit with residents and local businesses and is planned to be reinstalled for subsequent summer seasons.
Project Type: Experiential Open-Space
Program Size 400 Square Feet and 36 Bistro Chairs
Project Partners
Nora G, Radest, Mayor
Michael Rogers, City Administrator
Amy Cairns, Public Information Officer
Paul Cascais, DCS Director
Aaron J. Schrage, City Engineer
Public Benefits
356 Springfield Ave, Summit, NJ 07901
Project Plan
Municipal Planner
Project Category
Open Space