Master Plan
After 46 years without a comprehensive Master Plan update, the Village of South Orange needed a plan to support and encourage continued investment into the community for years to come that improves quality of life and position the Village for a prosperous future.
The South Orange Master Plan came as the result of a proactive and community-centric planning process which provided invaluable guidance for future efforts to improve our open spaces, foster thriving commercial districts, and provide quality housing for residents.
Partially developed in the midst of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the Plan accounts for many of the virus’ ramifications for planning which remain unknown, particularly as it relates to the future of retail, commuting patterns, and remote working. We’re confident that this Plan puts the Village on strong footing to clear these hurdles and spring boldly into the future. With this Plan, the Village takes charge of its destiny by creating a roadmap for the right types of development in the right places that incorporates the values of our community with well-informed analyses and data.
Project Team
Residents and Stakeholders of South Orange
Project Benefits
Considerate and innovative plans for historic preservation
Comprehensive strategies to guide future land use policies
Proposals for improved circulation, transit connectivity, and pedestrian safety
Recommendations for new parks and green spaces
Sets of actions to promote sustainability and advance social justice
Thoughtful recommendations for catalytic development
Project Category
Master Plan
Public Engagement